General Maintenance Practices For Shower Heads


General cleaning and maintenance of shower heads are important to keep them functional, sustain their water pressure, and benefit your health. The deposition of minerals and other contaminants in shower heads is widespread.

We cannot stop the shower heads from getting dirty, but the proper cleaning and maintenance are in our hands. Nozzles are likely to clog if you do not clean the shower heads frequently due to molds and calcium buildup. And that might buy the new shower head by spending a lot of bucks.

However, by following the regular and free-of-cost maintenance practices, you can save your pocket. Yes! You read it right. Many maintenance practices are done using the kitchen or common household ingredients, but they can turn your shower head into a new one.

This article has a few practices you can efficiently perform at home without spending a buck. So, let’s get started!

Practices To Clean the Shower Heads

Practice #1 Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Lemon Juice

All these ingredients are readily available in every home, and they work excellent against corrosion and rusting of material, even if you have a rusted black shower head.

  • Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and add two large spoons of baking soda. Tie the plastic bag around the shower head or place the shower head in the bag (if removable) for about one day.
  • After 24 hours, remove the shower head from the vinegar bag and wash with warm water. If the rust doesn’t remove properly, place the baking soda on the lemon and rub the shower head well until all rusting is removed.
  • Use the toothbrush to reach into nozzles and rinse the shower head thoroughly with clean water. You will get a clean and sleek shower head by this method. Vinegar alone can also use for cleaning, but baking soda and lemon give quick and better results.

Practice #2 Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda and Toothpaste

If you have a non-removable or large-sized shower head that you cannot dip in vinegar, this new method will do an amazing job.

  • Mix the equal amount of baking soda and toothpaste in a bowl and add hydrogen peroxide to make a thick paste.
  • After making the paste, rub the paste on your shower head using a stiff brush. After rubbing well, leave the shower head for about an hour and rinse with clean water.

Practice #3 Commercial Descaler and Vinegar

This method is used to clean the filter screen of shower heads. If your filter screen does not have any mineral buildup, clean water rising is enough.

  • However, if the filter screen is rusted or dirty, remove the screen and dip that in vinegar. If the vinegar is not enough to remove containments, you can also use a commercial descaler.
  • In this method, be extra careful about removing and reinstalling the filter screen, and don’t rub the screen.

Tips To Clean the Shower Heads

  1. The liquid-like vinegar is better for the nozzle and internal cleaning of shower heads if you don’t want to open the whole structure.
  2. Cleaning agents can differ based on the shower head material because not all the materials are resistant enough to deal with chemical reactions. So, do proper research rather than irrationally dip the shower head in chemicals.
  3. Avoid rubbing the shower head too hard as it can damage its finishing, destroying the whole look.
  4. Make sure to clean your shower head once a month. It will keep your shower clean against challenging depositions that demand heavy chemicals for cleaning.
  5. If your shower head is expensive and unique, like declinko showers, use the commercial cleaning agents rather than home agents because that can damage your luxurious shower head.


This article consists of general daily practices that people use to remove rusting and mineral depositions. However, as we mentioned above, do proper research about the effect of particular agents on your shower head. Otherwise, you might face serious damages rather than benefits.


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